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Writer's pictureDexter Hastings

Hard Hitting Duffy

Boxer to Watch

Shaun “The Destroyer” Duffy

Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce the latest heavyweight to enter the unlicensed/white Collar arena. At 6 foot 4 and a trim 17 stone 7 pound Shaun Duffy is a formidable looking opponent.

The 31 year old fighter has started his career late but has already had 2 tests of fire fighting a 30 fight experienced opponent in his first fight securing a hard fought draw. Then taking on yours truly former 3 time 2 weight champion Dexter “The Sting” Hastings in a 4 x 2 minutes round title fight for the Showdown title where he won with a 4th round stoppage.

Shaun talked about his first fight, he said “I trained really hard and went from 19 stone to 15 stone 8 within 12 weeks. I knocked my opponent down in the first round, but I let the occasion get to me and blew out in the 2nd round. I still believe that I done enough to win the fight, but I was happy it wasn’t a loss and knowing my first fight was out of the way”.

Shaun then mentioned his 2nd fight, he said “ my second fight was against the very well established 3 time 2 weight champion Dexter Hastings,

this fight I went into feeling great weighing in at 17 stone 5. I was very happy with my performance against such an experienced fighter, but feel I could be an awful lot better”.

Shaun then talked about the gyms he used during his training, he informed me that he had started at unit 8 sparring and training a few pro fighters but after his first fight he decided to travel the gyms thirsty for knowledge. Shaun told me

“I trained at various gyms, Saxons With Tyler and Sean Gruin, Dean Sherrington and at G&A with Malcolm Stowe and Carl Lambie.

I asked Shaun about his favorite boxer. Shaun told me “My favorite boxer is Joe Calsaghe, for me he was technically great and the whole father son story is something every man dreams of. I also think at the moment GGG is the best fighter, he is something else, countering while attacking and the way he sets his opponents up.

Shaun then started to talk about what inspired him to take up boxing, he informed me “Growing up I have always dreamed of getting I the ring, I have always talked about it as every man has, but I was a typical lad in the boozer saying I was going to start boxing, but the truth be told even though I had a rough past with many confrontations I never had the confidence. My belief back then was I would only fight if I had to”.

“When I turned 30 I just said fuck it I'll give it a go and it became something I am really enjoying. Every person I meet seems to be a gentlemen and there's no better feeling than for 2 men to enter the ring and put it on the line and then shake hands after. My moto is you will never fully respected another man until you both put it on the line”.

“Now I'm at the point of loving the technically of boxing, learning every day. For me it's one more than just fighting, it's become a game of chess”.

“Although me and Stowey are some proper banger my hardest legit fight to date was Dexter Hastings, his experienced showed and I had to find a way of dealing with it, but in that fight I saw many improvements and a few flaws where I can improve”.

Shaun finished by saying “my goals in boxing is to beat every heavyweight they put in my path, I want another 4 fights then I will go for my pro licence, by then I hope to have built a decent following and get around more gyms”.

Shaun’s next fight is on 2nd September against his first opponent he drew with to settle the score.

Dexter’s Thoughts

I have been involved in both of Shaun’s fights, the first as

the ref and the second as his opponent, so I can say on a boxing front I know him well. In his first fight in the first round he was impressive, with a confident bullish persona reminding me very much of his corner man and trainer and my old foe Malcolm “The Show” Stowe. I think the worst thing that could happen in that first round was Shaun knocking his opponent down as after that he went for the stoppage and seemed to blow himself out. In the second and the third round he struggled as he looked tired, he fought well in all 3 rounds but the second and third round were in my opinion won by his opponent leaving the score 10-8, 9-10, 9-10 draw.

It was great seeing Malcolm Stowe we may have had 3 epic battle in the CBU (Celtic Boxing Union) well 2 epic battle and one when he put me on my arse in under a minute. Malcolm and I had a good drink after that show and talked about the good old days, I class him as a friend and would always have time for such a good man.

Shaun’s second fight against me, was a cracking night for showdown a massive crowd and a great atmosphere lead to a great night of boxing. I reffed the first 8 fights then went to the changing rooms to get ready for our title fight. It was a cracking fight, the first 2 rounds were close and could have gone ether way, but I did think I was edging it, in the third Shaun seemed to be blowing

as I was just getting into my grove, in my opinion I was easily winning the 3rd but Shaun “The Destroyer” Duffy had the equalizer, he caught me with an absolute cracking right hand that I never saw coming 10 seconds from the end of the round putting me down for only the 2nd time in my 17 fight career. I have got to give myself a pat on the back for getting back up and I think I was lucky the bell had gone to end the 3rd round. in the 4th Shaun caught me again with a hard shot straight from the bell after that it was just a matter of time. The ref stopped the fight which was the right choice and Shaun was crowned Showdown champ and I was happy to put the belt around his waist.


Shaun has still got a lot to learn,

but has came on leaps and bounds from his first fight, his power will serve him well during his unlicensed/white collar career and will get him out of a lot of scrapes, but Shaun is willing to learn and can only get better as he has more fights and gains experience. Shaun’s future is looking good and I wish him all the best, but you never know I might make another come back at the age of 45 and have another crack at the Destroyer

Dexter "The Sting" Hastings v Shaun "The Destroyer" Duffy

Showdown Heavyweight Title

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