Professional Boxer Jordan Lynch

I went down today to Fightden in Digbeth Birmingham to chat to Jordan "The Lion" Lynch about him joining the professional ranks of boxing and making his Professional Debut in September. When I arrived at Fightden Jordan's trainer Shaun Cogan greeted me and told me how chuffed he was about Jordan getting his pro Licence. After filming the interview and many thanks to Jordan's partner Jessica for being a great camera lady, Jordan and I had a 3 x 2 minute spar.
Below is the interview and the sparing session mixed together.
After the Interview and sparring I had a chat with Fightden and Jordan's trainer Shaun Cogan about how he thinks Jordan will do in the pro's. Shaun told me "Jordan will make a very good professional. He trains extremely hard and is a dedicated fighter. He lives a boxers life and he really wants it. I'm looking forward to helping him with his journey and his girlfriend is behind him 100 percent which is always good".
I also got in contact with Jon Pegg Jordan's manager and asked him what he thought of Mr Lynch? Jon Informed me "Jordan is a new lad from the white collar scene under Shaun Cogan. He's an awkward southpaw who's only just starting to take advantage of what being a southpaw does for you. he is working very hard in the gym to get down to a good weight in super middle and I expect Jordan to be fighting for area honors with in 2 years and after that who knows where his ambition will take him".
Dexter.s Thoughts

What can I say I am chuffed for Jordan and I was one of the many people in the boxing fertility to tell him to turn Professional. He has hooked up with Eastside Gym and with Jon Pegg managing him and Shaun Cogan at Fightden helping with his training it is safe to say he is in good hands. Jordan has determination and a will to succeed witch has got him to where he is today. Jordan is entering one of the hardest weight divisions with the likes of James DeGale, George Groves, Arthur Abraham at the top of the world rankings and with Martin Murray, Andrew Robinson on the domestic front "The Lion" may have his work cut out for him.
Jordan is still young and from talking to him and sparing him I can tell he is an intelligent boxer who thinks his way threw a fight.
When we spared he never rushed in and didn't fall for any of my attempts to lure him

in. Even when I did catch him he kept his composer and made himself space and time to assess the situation. Jordan caught me with some good shots and the blood on my gumshield is testimony to that and as he was sparring a 3 time's 2 weight unlicensed West-Midlands champion who is taller, a lot heaver and no mug in the ring i can safely say Jordan has got the heart, the talent and the spirit to take his boxing career far. I can honestly see Jordan winning a English or even British title and when he captures them who knows maybe the world title. What I do Know is that the Birmingham Boxing Column will be at the Villa on the 10th September to give you a full report on Jordan "The Lion" Lynch's debut in a professional prizefight.

Fighting on the Night
September 10th
Jordan Lynch, Lee Jones, Tion Gibbs, Josh Baillie
Louis Fielding, Drew Brown
Going to be a great night of boxing.
Links for infomation on Fightden,
Jordan Lynch and Top Promotions