Micky Carpenter Unlicensed Boxer

Micky Carpenter is a 38 year old super middleweight from Erdington. The 5 foot 10 orthodox boxer has had 33 unlicensed fights winning 21 and drawing 2. While boxing Micky has acquired the MVM super middleweight title.
He now trains at Saxon gym where he has started coaching alongside Tyler Shakespeare.
Micky’s favorite boxer is Joe Calzaghe, he told me “he was my hero, the man was undefeated and won all 46 pro fights with 32 K.O’s which isn't bad considering most people said he was never a big puncher, he had a massive heart picking himself up of the canvas to win fights and was very good tactically especially again Kessler where he was losing the fight early on then switched tactics and styles and won a great fight”.
The best fight he has ever seen is Ward v Gatti 1, Micky informed me “it was the greatest fight I've ever watched, 2 warriors toe to toe for 10 rounds of non stop action giving everything they had, round 9 especially was a great rounds as both fighters looked like they were about to be stopped before firing shots back and looking to stop the other, a must see for all fight fans”.
I asked him how long he has been boxing? Carpenter informed me “I've been boxing for 6

years now but really wish I'd took it up much younger”.
I then asked Micky what inspired him to take up the noble art? He said “weight loss was my inspiration to box, I started training with my pal Scott Billingham to lose weight I then got offered a fight and decided to take it as even if I lost I would lose the weight I wanted too lose, I won via 3rd round stoppage and was hooked to boxing from then on”.
We then talked about his hardest fight, he recalled “I automatically think Jordan the lion Lynch as he stopped me in side 2 rounds, he's a very talented fighter but I didn't help myself by not really training for it, but I'd say my hardest fight was also my favorite fight against James Perk’s it was a title fight and my first defeat, we went toe to toe for 4 rounds and I lost count the amount of times he punched me but I never went down, by the end of the fight we were both exhausted but he was a worthy winner and a top lad”.
Micky ended by saying “my goals are to go into my last fight, I feel fitter and technically better than I have done for any of my fights. I will give 110% as I always do and hopefully be Saxons super middleweight champ, then I can totally focus on the coaching side as I've just passed my pro seconds license and will be helping Tyler Shakespeare down Saxons gym, I'm lucky to work alongside Tyler as he is a great coach and has so much knowledge for someone so young it's scary, it would be great to help someone become British or even world champion from Saxons gym”.
Dexter's Thoughts

Micky unfortunately lost his final fight by a first round stoppage, his opponent was a really good boxer and a hard hitter and these things happen. Micky in now and official second and will be concentrating on that and training the lads at Saxon Gym. Micky has had a good career and won a title on the way, the Birmingham Boxing Column wish him all the best in his retirement and all he continues to do in boxing.